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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

About Us

Both Ryan and Leanne were raised on farms and grew up with respect for farmers and a passion for the industry. This passion is what drew both of them to the College of Agriculture to gain a new perspective on the industry and increase their knowledge of farming practices and technology. The idea that as agricultural producers, you are part of the global food chain and as such, play a vital role for society, makes both Leanne and Ryan feel they are doing something of deep significance. Now that we are ranching full-time, we also have grown to love the flexibility and lifestyle that agriculture provides for our family.

Our family is complete with a son - Samuel and a daughter - Rachel, both of whom are being raised with a respect for the land and animals that we are responsible for. We hope to instill a love for this business in them while providing a wholesome, fun childhood.

about us 

News Articles

Sharing cattle and cropland - Canadian Cattlemen (May 10, 2018)

Ceylon couple finalists for Outstanding Young Farmers - Weyburn Review (June 18, 2014)

Finalists vie for Outstanding Youth Farmer Title - Saskatoon Star Phoenix (June 11, 2014)

2014 Canada Farm Progress Guide - Western Producer (June 2014)